When you’re ready to update your home security systems, you have many options. Considering hidden home security cameras? There are definitely benefits to them, and definitely ways to use them and get the most out of your home security.

Outdoor Home Security

Security doesn’t start at the front door. Does your home have a long driveway? Large front or back yard? Do you live on a large area of property? What about a patio, garage, outdoor storage areas, porch or pool area? All of these can benefit from home security system upgrades.

Think about setting up your home security in terms of a “perimeter” rather than just inside your “home.” Your true home begins at the edges of your property, so keep everything as safe as it can be.

Where to put outdoor cameras

Walk the perimeter of your property, taking note of key areas where you could mount hidden home security cameras. If there are poles, light fixtures, or other structures that already have power running to them, great! Those can be amazing places to mount a hidden camera system and know that it won’t fail in case of a power emergency. If you find that there are especially dark areas of places that are difficult to monitor, consider putting in a light fixture or some way to mount your security cameras and provide backup power.

If you live in a heavily wooded area, it can be wise to mount a few cameras on well-positioned trees. Today’s camera designs can make outdoor cameras both camouflaged and weatherproof, and cameras mounted on natural fixtures are often overlooked by intruders.

Hidden home security cameras can be anywhere.
Hidden home security cameras can be anywhere.

Hidden Camera Monitoring

Somewhere in your home, set up a central location that monitors the outdoor cameras, so that anyone in the home can see any area of the property easily at the touch of a few buttons. Additionally, having a home security system monitoring service watching your property around the clock, from a secure remote location, lets you know that even when someone is not home, there is always someone watching.

Today’s home security systems are often available for you to remotely monitor from your mobile device. Via a secure, encrypted app, you should be able to live-stream any of the footage from your hidden home security cameras any time you wish.

Indoor Home Security

Security cameras are one of the top ways to keep your family and property protected inside your home. Cameras in your home can capture when an intruder comes in, when an emergency such as a natural disaster occurs when no one is home, or if people who come into your house when you’re not there cause destruction. Maybe you need to keep a close watch on something valuable in your home. Maybe you want to make sure your family is always protected.

Where to put indoor security cameras

Discuss with your family and your camera installation representatives about the specific places in your home where cameras should be mounted. Every home will vary based on lay out and personal needs. Some of the most often places that hidden home security cameras are placed include the front and back doors and entryway, and inside any safes or storage areas where valuables are kept. Often using motion-sensor cameras, these locations can be invaluable during a home invasion, robbery, and the resulting legal and insurance nightmares.

If you choose to put additional hidden cameras around your home’s interior, consider the balance between security and privacy. Make sure that your family is protected, but that no one’s rights are violated.

New Age of Home Security

Today's amazing tech connects your hidden home security cameras with the rest of your life.
Today’s amazing tech connects your hidden home security cameras with the rest of your life.

Hidden home security cameras are just one example of a new age of technology in our homes. With various designs that make cameras virtually blend into any environment, you can now rely on them better than ever. Often resistant to environmental stresses, cutting-edge home security cameras can film in full-color HD. No more grainy, black and white, out of focus security footage. You can now choose from cameras that are motion-sensor detected and only trigger to record or alert your home security monitoring service in the event of a true emergency. Save yourself the time and money with this new generation of hidden home security cameras.